A Journaling Prompt to Build Gratitude and Calm


A journal idea for the week: “Want what you already have.”
In my opinion this is a much easier way to cultivate gratitude, peace, and acceptance around things in life that can be trying, difficult, and hardwork. Often these are the very things we once dreamed of, aspired to have or create in our lives, or just plain wished we had.

For example, “I want horses”. This statement reminds me, even when the days are long and hot, the work is hard and seems unforgiving and never ending, that there was a time i begged my parents for a horse, there was a time as an adult I added “get a horse” to my wish list and worked very hard to make that dream come true. As I ponder this statement in my


journal I remember many times when I love their spirit and attitude, their personalities and even the hard work that add such gifts to my life.

“I want horses (and a donkey) and ooh I have them! Look at that!”

Another example: “I want a husband”

Ahhh this one is a good one. This statement reminds me of a time when I dreamt of him, when I would despair wondering where is HE?? When all i wanted was a partner to go through life with, have adventures with, and be there through thick and thin. Journaling about wanting a husband when I already have one reminds me of all these feelings, despite the crumbs, the coffee cups (what is UP with the coffee cups everywhere??), the dirty socks and the inability for dirty clothes to actually make it into the laundry basket (again??). This reminds me and then I think “I want a husband.. oh YESS I got one!! YAY!!” .

Example #3:“I want a home that I love to come home to.”

This is powerful, especially given the current state of restriction and/or quarantine during the Covid 19 Virus Pandemic ( I really hope someone reads this in the far distant future and wonders what that was like!) This statement in my journal reminds me that while I am ‘stuck’ here at home, I truly love my home and I am glad I have this space to be despite the current situation. I am reminded and then I think: “I want a home that I love to come home to — oh yes!! I have that already! That’s great!”

Tell me what you want that you already have. Be specific, be general, go nuts. Make a biiiiiig list! Start on Monday and add to it throughout the week, then see how you feel on Friday. It’s a game changer folks. I promise.


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I help people craft a personal journaling practice so that they can find the answers they seek and create a life filled with wisdom and ease.


Journaling Guide Step One: How to Pick Your Journal