About The Outlaw

Hey! I'm Kate..png

I help people craft a personal relaxation practice so that they can enjoy the magic of Deep Rest, connect with themselves to find the answers they seek and create a life filled with wisdom and ease.

How did I get here?

It’s a story of pain and grief, leaps of faith and love and healing, like many of you have I imagine.

I picked up my first diary when I was 13 years old and it was love at first “Dear Diary”. Over the next 30 years I’ve practiced many different journaling and self discovery methods, learned from several teachers, strayed from the practice again and again, yet always found my way back. My journaling practice has evolved over many years to now serve me best, yours will too.

I lost my mom and a love at the same time, moved to a different state and got lost, got lost in grief and fear and disconnected from myself. I gained weight, I lost health and became so very tired. Grasping for anything I found Yoga Nidra about 10 years ago and dove deep into it’s healing magic. From there I followed my passion for yoga becoming certified in 3 different yoga modalities.

I can finally say I have crafted my own personal life practice that heals, restores, relaxes and connects me back to myself after all these years.

But you, my friend, won’t have to wait years to cultivate a relaxation practice that soothes and serves. You will be able to find your sweet spot much faster with these tools. 

Helping people feel better by cultivating peace and relaxation through Yoga Nidra, or “magic sleep” is one of my favorite things to do. Read more about this restorative tool here.

Check it out for yourself, try a Yoga Nidra for free.

Helping people feel better by cultivating a personal journaling practice is another one of my favorite things to do. 😊 Read about the science here and here.

Journaling helps you build a relationship with your inner world, finally figure out the puzzle that is You!

Try it for 7 days. Download my free Journaling quick start guide.

  • Seen a blue footed booby in person on Island Isabella of the Galapagos Islands.

  • Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, but got sick just prior to summit.

  • Peed behind a tire of a jeep in the middle of the Serengeti

  • Backpacked R2R2R (Rim to Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon)

  • Trained as a private pilot on a Cessna 172.

  • Been to the Arctic circle, stood on the glacier of Denali starting point for climbers.

  • A hobby of refinishing furniture, I love making old things new.

  • Loved my animals like my people.

  • A donkey named Frank.


Journaling & Yoga has educated me, enlightened me, and evolved me, allowing me to craft a personal relaxation practice that makes me feel better in countless ways.

I hope to share the “how” for you to experience this too.

Would you like a guide, a partner in crime, on this adventure? My wish is for everyone to be able to harness the magic a consistent relaxation practice can give them if they so choose.  I’m glad you’re here, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Kate.

AKA: Kate Traci (two first name club member - its exclusive), Kate Chambers (now married name), Katrinc (my sister), Kiss-me-kate (always made me smile), Kat (only one friend in jr. high), Kate's m Gates (mom), Sugar (my mom was southern), Kate Plus 8 (I always hated that one), Face (the husband calls me that one) and Toots (no, not TOOT, but toots).and finally… The Outlaw Cowgirl.